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The Handicap Committee of St Margaret”s Golf & Country Club carried out an Annual Handicap Review (AHR) of the new World Handicap System (WHS).

Golf Ireland made a number of reports available to the committee on the Clubhouse Ireland system used by handicap committees. The reports included a handicap change over the year, compared 9 hole scores to 18 hole scores, compared scoring in Competitions to General Play submissions, and a Handicap Review Report (which highlighted when a player scored high or low outside the expected range). We also considered scores in non-counting events (match play, teams, mixed, and 12 holes).

Players affected by the review received an email informing them of the review. If you have not received an email your handicap index remains the same.

In short, the WHS deals effectively with a player’s Handicap Index. The review mainly dealt with players who on at least two occasions scored above/below their demonstrated ability. Players who on three occasions played outside their demonstrated ability were subjected to a review.

I would like to thank the committee members  Anne Ryan, Bernie Walsh, Gary Carty, Liam Power, and Shane O’Rourke for their time and input into the review.

Eddie Hyland
Handicap Secretary